From the creator of Slumberhead comes a new creation, END KID! Click on the picture to go to the website or just visit this link:

electric sun

an experimental gif i animated using adobe flash.


the first wooden toy that i've created called SPIKEDUDE! I carved him from basswood blocks, sanded the parts, and painted him.

hoodie gang

presenting the hoodie gang!

mister yeti

meet mr. yeti! i made him using a diy rb toy from ducobi. the hat was extra though.


Hello there.


This bear will stare into your very soul...

Mr. Corn Dog

Here's the t-shirt submission I entered into the Threadless Loves Characters contest. I've also posted some concept sketches for its initial design. You can check it out on Threadless by clicking on this link:
Mr. Corn Dog

Slumber Icosahedrons

I got inspired by a project I was doing in my 3D Design class. We were making various polyhedra out of paper and one of them was the icosahedron. I thought that it'd be fun to put a face on it and so I did.

QR Code

QR codes seem to be popping up everywhere these days. I see them all over the place so I decided to design my own. After much trial and error, I finally got my QR code to read properly when it's scanned. Test it out at
ZXing Decoder Online.

Sea Creatures

Experimenting with aquatic-style character designs.

Slumber Tree Illustration

An illustration featuring a few of my character designs altogether.

Stop Motion Eraser

An experimental video utilizing stop motion animation with music from Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Shoutpon Family

Meet the Shoutpon Family! I started with the very last character design and then simplified it more and more until I got to the first one. Working backwards FTW!!!

The Character Cloud

Characters floating on a cloud.
Slumberhead is a collection of character concepts, random doodlings, and other fun stuff by Kevin Nam. This work is created under circumstances of extreme boredom or drowsiness. Sometimes the best ideas hit you when you don't even expect it!

Kevin Nam is a graphic design student aiming to become a world-renowned character and toy designer. He began character designing in February 2010 and started with a brand of characters called Wander Creatures. After a while he decided that he needed a change of perspective. Seeking a new and more creative direction, he spent the next year cultivating and evolving his artistic vision. On April 14, 2011 he launched his new site, Slumberhead.